Claude Instant v1

A faster and cheaper yet still very capable model, which can handle a range of tasks including casual dialogue text analysis summarization and document question-answering.

Claude Instant V1, powered by an LLM, excels in generating contextually relevant responses, ideal for text classification, summarization, and chat applications. With enhanced capabilities in providing structured, multilingual responses, quote extraction, and improved safety measures, it ensures reliable and accurate outcomes for businesses.

As a lightweight, cost-effective option, Claude Instant V1 caters to diverse AI needs, offering efficient solutions for text analysis, dialogue enhancement, and content summarization and enhancing data comprehension and generation processes effectively.


  • Performance at low cost
  • Reduced latency
  • Lightweight dialogue
  • Moderation
  • Classification

Provider-Agnostic Solutions for Peak Performance

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Multimodal Support
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Use Cases:

  • Casual dialogue.
  • Text analysis.
  • Summarization.
  • Document comprehension.


  • Prompt: $1.63 / 1M tokens
  • Completion: $5.51 / 1M tokens
Promptitude-enabled AI providers:
Promptitude Compatibility
  • Prompts
  • Chat
  • Context

Transform Your Creativity with Provider-Agnostic Solutions

Elevate your projects with Promptitude's provider-agnostic solutions, enabling seamless integration of top-tier AI models for unparalleled performance. Embark on your innovation journey today!